Cora Elle | Birthday Girl

My Baby Girl Turns NINE!

My one and only baby girl turned nine! I still have a hard time accepting that she is getting so big. She is for sure my favorite girl. She is light and kindness, has a great sense of humor, loves fiercely, and is so creative. Her brain amazes me everyday. I couldn’t ask for a better baby girl or big sister for my boys.

I remember seeing a social media post of a friend years ago before I had children, and the thought crossed my mind of how sad it was to watch her kids grow up. I always wondered, from that time, whether or not I would be sad watching my own kiddos grow. Well, the truth is, it’s so exciting! I’m not sad that my kiddos are growing up, or that my baby girl is turning into a big girl, almost pre-teen, I’m excited. I’ve had a front row seat watching her life develop. Right before my eyes she was born, took her first steps, walked into that big Kindergarten school, and now prefers to play games on her tablet in her room. There are moments that wrench my heart, because they were such sweet moments, not because they hurt. I look at my beautiful girl and see all of God’s grace and future in a small creation. It’s amazing how quickly and how much a little creation can learn in almost a decade. It’s truly a magical process.

Cora Elle you are a shining light in our lives. Your sweet heart is kind, loving, funny, and boundless. You are strong and brave, strong willed and passionate, there isn’t anything you can’t accomplish! Watching you create things and play with your brothers leaves me in awe. I don’t know what the future looks like, but I know it can be anything you want it to be. I pray God’s peace over your life, the Spirit to guide you daily, and for your lips to never stop praising the Lord.

I love you always, all the time!!

Little girl fairy garden swing birthday portraits in white dress


Cecilly Elaine

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