The epidural poke, bright lights, the sound of machines beeping, doctors talking, nurses hustling, and the first cry of my newborn baby. What a rush! All of the fears and anxieties fell away as I heard Rucker Abbot cry his little heart out when he was born. He cried loud and long, and I just smiled with joy!
C-section deliveries are riddled with fears and cause me anxiety that grows with each one. This last surgery, the third and final, was the easiest, and full of great joy, but I was still incredibly nervous beforehand. I knew what to expect and I think that was part of the problem. I now know too much; ignorance really is bliss sometimes.
I was overjoyed to hear Rucker’s cries, because all I can see, as the nurses assess and Ryan takes pictures, is the big blue surgical sheet. So hearing my baby puts me at ease. Minutes later they place a bundled up new soul on my chest. Oh precious baby boy, you are loved and absolutely amazing.
Welcome to our world Rucker Abbot Martinez.

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